Fearon, G., Bracco, A., and Reich, D.A. 2024. Submesoscale variability enhances shoreline oiling: deepwater blowout simulations in the Agulhas current. Marine Pollution Bulletin 205: 116526. Available online at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpolbul.2024.116526
Reich, D.A., Etkin, D.S., Wolford, A., French-McCay, D., McStay, L., and Frediani, M. 2023. Modeling alternative fuel spills in the Port of Vancouver. Prepared for World Wildlife Fund Canada. 65 pp.
Fearon, G., Laing, R., Bracco, A., and Reich., D. 2023. An oil spill model for South African waters: Trajectory and fate analysis of deepwater blowout spill scenarios. Prepared for Wildlands Conservation Trust, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. 64 pp.
Cooke, S., Lynch, A., Vatland, S., Reich, D., and Claussen, J. 2019. On the state of fish, fisheries, and fisheries management practices around the globe: Sharing national perspectives to build understanding. Fisheries, 44(2): 53-55.
Morandi, A., Berkman, S., Rowe, J., Balouskus, R., Reich, D., Etkin, D.S., and Moelter, C. 2018. Environmental sensitivity and associated risk to habitats and species offshore Central California and Hawaii from offshore floating wind technologies. OCS Study BOEM 2018-031. Available online at: https://www.boem.gov/BOEM-2018-031-Vol1/
Reich, D.A., Etkin, D.S., Rowe, G., and Zamorski, S. 2016. Modeling oil spill trajectories in Baffin Bay and Lancaster Sound. Final Report. Prepared for World Wildlife Fund Canada by Shoal’s Edge Consulting, Environmental Research Consulting, and Growe Geospatial. 241 pp. Available online at: http://d2ouvy59p0dg6k.cloudfront.net/downloads/baffinbay_lancsound_modeling_report_web.pdf
Reich, D.A., Balouskus, R., French McCay, D., Etkin, D.S., Michel, J., and Lehto, J. 2014. An environmental vulnerability model for oil spill risk analyses: examples from an assessment for the State of Alaska. Proceedings of the 37th Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar. Canmore, Alberta, Canada.
Reich, D.A., Balouskus, R., French McCay, D., Fontenault, J., Rowe, J., Singer-Leavitt, Z., Etkin, D.S., Michel, J., Nixon, Z., Boring, C., McBrien, M., and Hay, B. 2014. Assessment of marine oil spill risk and environmental vulnerability for the state of Alaska. Prepared by RPS ASA, Environmental Research Consulting, Research Planning, Inc., and The Louis Berger Group, Inc. for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA Contract Number: WC133F-11-CQ-0002. Available online at: http://www.alaskafisheries.noaa.gov/habitat/restoration/oilspill/risk.htm
Symons, L., Wagner, J., Delgado, J., Helton, D., Varmer, O., Gongaware, L., Michel, J., Weaver, J., Boring, C., Priest, B., Holmes, J., Early, W., Etkin, D., French McCay, D., Reich, D., Balouskus, R., Fontenault, J., Isaji, T., Mendelsohn, J., and McStay, L. 2013. Risk assessment for potentially polluting wrecks in U.S. waters. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Silver Spring, MD. 127 pp. + appendices. Available online at: http://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/protect/ppw/
French McCay, D., Reich, D., Michel, J., Etkin, D., Symons, L., Helton, D. and Wagner, J. 2012. Oil spill consequence analyses of potentially-polluting shipwrecks. 2012. Proceedings of the 35th Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
French McCay, D., Reich, D., Graham, E., Schroeder, M., and Shumchenia, E. 2012. Report on the framework for cumulative impact evaluation (Task 2.3). Pp 485-622 in: Developing Environmental Protocols and Modeling Tools to Support Ocean Renewable Energy and Stewardship. J. McCann. OCS Study BOEM 2012-082. U.S. Department of the Interior. Herndon, VA. 632 pp. Available online at: http://www.data.boem.gov/PI/PDFImages/ESPIS/5/5208.pdf
French McCay, D., Rowe, J., Reich, D., Schroeder, M., and Graham, E. 2012. Oil spill modeling for the Offshore Environmental Cost Model (OECM). Appendix A in: Forecasting Environmental and Social Externalities Associated with OCS Oil and Gas Development: The Revised Offshore Environmental Cost Model (OECM). OCS Study BOEM 2012-05. Available online at: http://www.boem.gov/uploadedFiles/BOEM/Oil_and_Gas_Energy_Program/Leasing/Five_Year_Program/2012-2017_Five_Year_Program/OECM.pdf
French McCay, D., Reich, D., Rowe, J., Schroeder, M., and Graham, E. 2011. Oil spill modeling input to the Offshore Environmental Cost Model (OECM) for US-BOEMRE’s spill risk and costs evaluations. Proceedings of the 34th Arctic and Marine Oilspill Program (AMOP) Technical Seminar. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
French McCay, D., Schroeder, M., Graham, E., Reich, D., and Rowe, J. 2011. Ecological Value Map (EVM) for the Rhode Island Special Area Management Plan – May 2011 Update. In: The Rhode Island Ocean Special Area Management Plan, Volume 2, Appendix A. Technical Report #28. 126 pp. Available online at: https://seagrant.gso.uri.edu/oceansamp/pdf/appendix/28-ASA_EVM_Update.pdf
Reich, D. and DeAlteris, J. 2009. A simulation study of the effects of spatially complex population structure for Gulf of Maine Atlantic cod. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 29:116-126.
DeAlteris, J., Suyada, I., Reich, D., and Bennett, J. 2009. Spatial distribution of fishing activity in the New York Bight Apex: an analysis and interpretation of recreational and commercial fishing effort data. URI Fisheries Technical Report No. 09-013.
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